tuesdays and fridays are easily my favorite days of the week - why? you ask...well because tuesdays and fridays are the days when my local flea market gets into full swing. beginning at 7am (i'm usually there bright and early) various vendors start setting up and the old-timer's gather in the food hall to get warmed up with scrumptious amish-made sandwiches and pastries. i usually run into the food hall to get a large coffee and then start hunting for treasure. my first stop is almost always at clarence's booth (that's him above). i absolutely adore clarence!! he's always one of the first one's set up and clarence ALWAYS has a smile on his face and a hearty belly laugh to accompany any story. he regularly supplies me with wonderful old watches and odd knick-knacks. but even when clarence doesn't have any new stock, a smile from clarence is the best start to the flea market anyone could hope for.

flea market visits have been interrupted the past few months with super frigid weather and time spent moving house...tomorrow it's supposed to rain. BOOOO! so fingers crossed tuesday will be warm and sunny!