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avian architects
years ago i caught a fascinating episode of Nature on PBS called "bower bird blues" and it has been an inspiration to me ever since. the episode showcased the mating rituals of male bower birds who create intricate structures (bowers) from twigs and found objects to impress the local females. one example to the left features a bower bird who has designed his bachelor pad with red flowers and seashells. other kinds of bower birds decorate with berries, plastics, glass and other found objects. the birds are quite particular about their designs. they will constantly tidy their bowers and if a particular design element is displaced, will put it back "where it belongs" as soon as it spies the disorder. the male bowers also thieve amongst one another - stealing design concepts and even bits of each others bowers to maintain their own bowers as the most alluring to their female counterparts. as a designer who works with found objects, i consider these birds (with their odd ways) my avian kin and i just thought i'd take a moment to share their extraordinary story.
Amazing! And what a neat connection to your art.
Amazing birds with great "habit".
Great post!
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What a great post! I would love to catch that episode on TV sometime.
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