If you aren't registered yet, please make the effort TODAY to get registered. It's so easy. I promise you can do it in less than 10 minutes! If you aren't sure of where to go or what you'll need to register, please see this site or check with your local board of elections.
I've included a few posters from the United States women's suffrage movement during the first half of the 20th Century to inspire you. We fought for the right to vote, we earned the right to vote, and now is the time to vote and the time to make your voice heard.

Be sure to confirm the time your polling place will be open on November 4th and what type of identification you will need to bring with you. If for any reason, after you have registered, you are told you are ineligible to vote on election day - DO NOT TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER and cast a provisional ballot.
The decision made on November 4th will impact the next four and possibly eight years of your life, your family's life, your friends' lives, and this country's livelihood. Make sure you have a role in deciding on the future of this great land. Please register NOW!
1 comment:
Excellent post. Loved the images you found and included.
Obama '08
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