03 October 2008

lost vignettes

traveling from flea market to antique shop to estate sale in search of the long lost treasures that i transform into my jewelry creations is perhaps the most exciting part of my creative process. "the thrill of the chase" as they say. recently i came across this locket - nothing overtly precious, simply a well-worn brass locket that contained a portrait of a young boy in a slightly askew suit. but he intrigued me to no end. i started to imagine how the photograph came into existence and what the original owner saw in this photo. my musings are included in the listing and i encourage everyone to bring a sense of wonder to their vintage adventures. i promise an imaginative trip of a lifetime.


Unknown said...

I so agree that the thrill of the find is exhilarating. I also love the history behind each great find. The pieces have an entire life of their own.

Happy hunting!

High Desert Diva said...

Fabulous locket